
GOBI Cashmere: Where Tradition Fuses with Fashion

November 5, 2024

Cashmere. The word itself conjures images of luxury, warmth, and softness. But have you ever wondered about the journey this desired material takes, from the back of a goat on the Mongolian steppes to the stylish coat you drape over your shoulders? Join us on a journey of discovery as we trace the path of cashmere from Mongolia, from goat to cashmere garment.
The Origins of Cashmere
Sustainability means being in harmony with nature. It means keeping old traditions that have been proven to make soft, high-quality Mongolian cashmere fabric without hurting the land or animals. This is where our story begins, in the vast and breathtaking landscape of Mongolia.

Mongolian herders have been living on these expansive steppes for thousands of years. Nomads have thrived for ages, and our journey starts from these nomadic communities with their unique way of life. GOBI Cashmere blends ancient craftsmanship with sustainable practices to create 100% pure Mongolian cashmere that must be experienced to be believed. Mongolian cashmere quality is cherished around the world due to its incredible softness and durability.
a mongolian herder woman with her goat
The Cashmere Harvest
Our journey into the world of Mongolian cashmere fabric takes us to the heart of Mongolia, where the renowned cashmere goats roam freely. These goats in Mongolia have adapted to the harsh climate of the steppes, developing a thick and incredibly soft undercoat. This undercoat, known as cashmere, forms the basis of our story.

As the warm spring months approach, the cashmere goats begin to naturally shed their warm undercoats. This is when the skilled Mongolian herders step in. They carefully and lovingly comb the cashmere from the goats, ensuring that the animals remain comfortable throughout the process. This sustainable and cruelty-free harvesting method ensures the well-being of both the goats and the environment. This method is central to the traditional cashmere production process.
Sorting and Cleaning
Sorting and Cleaning
With the raw Mongolian cashmere fabric in hand, our journey takes us to the next crucial step: Sorting and Cleaning. This is where the quality of Mongolian cashmere is determined. Creating high-quality cashmere products begins with an intensive sorting process. Every strand of raw cashmere fiber is inspected, with only the most superior fibers meeting the rigorous criteria. This is an essential part of the cashmere production process that guarantees only the best fibers are used.

The Transformation – Spinning the Magic
The Transformation – Spinning the Magic
With the raw Mongolian cashmere fabric carefully selected, it embarks on the next stage of its transformation – the creation of cashmere yarn. This is where the artistry and science of spinning come into play, turning soft, fluffy cashmere into the versatile material we all know and love.

The cashmere production process involves spinning the raw fibers into thin strands, which are then woven or knitted into beautiful garments. This delicate process is a testament to the expertise of the skilled workers in the Gobi Cashmere factory store.

The Result: Pure Cashmere Yarn
The Dyeing Process - Meticulous Uniformity
Coloring cashmere fibers involves a meticulous process that demands precision and expertise to retain the luxurious quality of this prized material.

At GOBI, we use blue sign-approved dyes from Switzerland. The dyeing phase employs a blend of art and science, carefully mixing dyes to achieve the desired hue while maintaining the inherent softness and sheen of the Mongolian cashmere fabric.
GOBI Cashmere worker adding dye to cashmere
Diverse products from different factories
After meticulous processes, the Mongolian cashmere fabric arrives at their next destination – the weaving, knitting, and sewing factories. Skilled workers operate looms to interlace the yarn, creating Mongolian weaving techniques that are used for various cashmere products.

GOBI Cashmere female factory worker working with machinery
Quality Assurance
Quality is the cornerstone of our brand. We bring the highest-quality Mongolian cashmere fabric to the world by manufacturing it on a large scale. Instead of using untraceable factories, we produce our responsibly sourced cashmere in our Gobi Cashmere factory store, with our employees.
GOBI Cashmere intense quality check on the products
The Craftsmanship
Since opening our doors in 1981, we've operated in the cashmere industry and the first goat cashmere and camel wool manufacturing facility of its kind in Mongolia. Our journey through the world of Mongolian goat cashmere combines ancient tradition with modern technologies to create beautifully affordable items. Mongolian cashmere quality remains at the heart of everything we produce.
GOBI Cashmere essential for tailors and designers
The End Result
And so, our journey through the world of Mongolian cashmere fabric comes full circle. From the nomadic herders on the Mongolian steppes to our state-of-the-art Gobi Cashmere factory store, from the soft undercoat of Mongolian cashmere goats to the hands of skilled workers – it's a journey of dedication, sustainability, and quality.

The journey of cashmere is a remarkable one. It's a journey that begins with the humble cashmere goat on the Mongolian steppes and ends with you, enjoying the unparalleled comfort and elegance of a GOBI Cashmere creation. Pure cashmere is a product of which animal? It’s the humble cashmere goat, specifically bred and cared for by herders in Mongolia.

What animal does cashmere come from?

Cashmere comes from the soft undercoat of a specific breed of goat known as the Cashmere goat. These goats are primarily found in regions with cold climates, such as the Himalayan areas of Mongolia, China, India, and parts of Iran and Afghanistan. The fine, silky fibers are combed or sheared from the goat's undercoat, usually in the spring, after they've naturally shed their winter coat. The process is labor-intensive, as it takes the soft underlayer (the down) from each goat to produce enough fiber for just a small amount of fabric. The result is the luxurious, warm, and lightweight material known as cashmere.

Pure cashmere is a product of which animal?

Cashmere is obtained from cashmere goats, primarily found in Mongolia and other regions with similar climates. The soft undercoat of these goats forms the luxurious material known as cashmere.

How is cashmere harvested?

Cashmere is harvested by combing the soft undercoat of cashmere goats during the spring, when they naturally shed their coats. This gentle process is cruelty-free and ensures the comfort of the goats.

What is Mongolian cashmere?

Mongolian cashmere refers to the high-quality cashmere obtained from goats in Mongolia. The country's unique climate and traditional herding practices contribute to the superior softness and warmth of Mongolian cashmere fabric, making it one of the most sought-after cashmere qualities in the world. The entire cashmere production process, from the Gobi Cashmere factory store to weaving and sewing, ensures that Mongolian cashmere fabric retains its renowned excellence.

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